Review Environmental Condition of the Central Part Bilah River, Labuhan Batu Regency, Indonesia (About: Biodiversity of Cyprinidae family)


  • Etry Wahyuni Dalimunthe
  • Aulia Juanda Djaingsastro STIPER Agrobisnis Perkebunan (STIPAP)


Family Cyprinidae, Biodiversity, Bilah river


The purpose of this research is to know the biodiversity of the Cyprinidae family of fish and environmental conditions as a supporter of the Cyprinidae fish life in Bilah river. Research is conducted from March to May 2020. This research is an explorative descriptive research, site selection done bypurposive sampling. Samples of fish were captured using gillnets, and fishing rods. In data analysis weredone calculation bydiversity index, uniformity Index, similarity index. The results showed the largest species of fish caught Osteochilluspittatus(38 ind/m2) and the lowest fish species of Oxygaster anomalura(14 ind/m2). The highest diversity index on station 2 (2.12) and the lowest on station7 & 8 (1.69) with medium category. The highest uniformity index value at Station 3 (0.89), and the loweststation 8 (0.74). The highest Similaritas index on stations 1, 2, 3 and 9 (100%) and the lowest IS at stations 5 and 6 (87.5%).


